
  • 定州溫濕度監(jiān)控報(bào)警器記錄儀 22000
  • 接地電阻測(cè)試儀的發(fā)展和選用
  • 酸度計(jì)的級(jí)別和儀器的準(zhǔn)確度
  • 淺談流量計(jì)的發(fā)展及現(xiàn)狀
  • 實(shí)驗(yàn)室純水機(jī)選購(gòu)
  • ZDR系列智能數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀一覽表
  • 使用TDS3000系列數(shù)字熒光示波器觀察波形的頻率成分
  • 壓力表的常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題及解決措施
  • 電子測(cè)量基礎(chǔ)(三)
  • 熱電偶的選擇與安裝
  • 當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) > 定州儀器儀表 > 定州環(huán)境檢測(cè)儀器 > 定州溫濕度記錄儀
    型 號(hào):22000
    品 牌:美國(guó)DeltaTRAK
    技術(shù)指標(biāo):輸入:11 to 16 VDC neg. ground only 
    輸入 11 to 16 VDC neg. ground only
    Current Drain .05A with no active alarm output, 0.18A w/ LCD back light
    Operating Temp/Relative Humidity -40℃to 140℃(-40℉ to 60℉) /5% to 95% RH, non-condensing
    Display Viewing Temp Range 14℉to 120℉
    Display LCD 16 characters x 2 Lines w/ black light
    Alarm Output General/Individual Sensor 12 VDC @1A/0.25A negative ground/0.25A @12 VDC
    Construction ABS plastic box w/polycarbonate front window dust/watertight seal, NEMA 4
    Interface RS232 & parallel printer port
    Resolution 0.1℃/℉ from -40℃to 104℃(0.1℉ from -40℉to 61℉) 1% RH
    Sensor Accuracy Low temp:?.2℃/?.1℉, high temp:?℃/?.5℉,
    Recording Temp Range -40℃to 158℃(-40℉ to 70℉) / 104℃to 440℃(40℉ to 230℉)
    Recording Humidity Range 5% to 95% RH
    Recording Intervals 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes for; 2920 records with sensors 1 to 5 and 1460 records with sensors 6 to 10
    Memory Backup 7 year lithium battery
    Temperature Sensor Thermistor meet MIL-STD-810C ?.2℉, interchangable w/o recalibration
    Humidity Sensor 95% non-condensing thin film polymer capacitor
    Warranty 1 year (90 days on humidity sensor)
    www.ghwl1688.com 定州溫濕度監(jiān)控報(bào)警器記錄儀 版權(quán)所有 備案號(hào): 魯ICP備08106748號(hào)